Consider Your Impact
Ła Bała Sg̱a̱n a Kxeen / Welcome to Prince Rupert
As a visitor to Prince Rupert, we invite you to consider the impact your visit will make on our local environment, people, and culture by committing to the pledge below. Sustainable travel and tourism is possible if we follow the principles of respect for ourselves, respect for others, and respect for the land.

Underwater. Image by Jeremy Koreski
Hagwil yaan
Walk slowly
Audio PlayerWhen you visit us on Kaien Island (Kxeen), we invite you to take your time. Extend your visit to enjoy all that our community has to offer. Take the time to learn about Ts’msyen culture and history. Engage with locals and learn about our community and natural landscape, treading lightly wherever you go.
Audio PlayerTravel with respect, in all stages of your visit: respect for yourself as a visitor, respect for others you will meet, and respect for the land and animals you will see while visiting.
Łoodis lp’nuun
Respect yourself
Audio PlayerRecognize the intersection of your history with the millenia of knowledge and culture that you will meet in Prince Rupert. Engage in meaningful, respectful conversations about local culture and share your stories with locals in an open, respectful manner.
Łooda sila gyedn
Respect others
Audio PlayerRespect the privacy of local residents and their access to community amenities. Have respect for our local Indigenous People and allow space for them to access Prince Rupert’s natural resources and engage in cultural ceremonies without disruption. Wear your mask when requested and practice social distancing to help limit the spread of COVID-19 to our community. Support local businesses and buy directly from local artists.
Łooda txa’nii goo
Respect all things
Audio PlayerRespect the natural environment around Prince Rupert. Do not approach native wildlife, whether on land or in the sea – stay quiet and observe from a distance. Do not take anything from the natural landscape, such as driftwood, shells, or fishing artifacts. Clean up and remove any garbage you bring, or find, while visiting. Leave no trace.
Ada gyilks ama niisgn
Take care of yourself
Audio PlayerTake the time to research your trip and be prepared for the landscape, weather, and limitations of visiting a small remote community such as Prince Rupert. Carefully read all signage and do not tread where it is not safe, whether due to wildlife, landscape, or other dangers.
T’oyaxsut nüüsm
Thank you
Audio Player
Thank you to the Ts’msyen Sm’algyax Language Authority and the Museum of Northern BC for providing their resources and expertise to this page.
You can find more resources about Ts’msyen culture and Sm’algyax language below.